Saturday, June 20, 2015

Random Rant 

I've recently started to blog, and I'm having a good time with it. The only trouble is trying to find something to write or blog about. The old saying goes."write what you know". Okay, I know a lot of stuff. Another is, "write what you are interested in". Again, Okay, I'm interested in a lot of stuff. The trouble is I seem to be a Jane of all trades and a master of not a darn thing. 

My brain is full of useful and useless information. I was just going to write about my religion, Paganism, but then there are many other things I would like to write about. 

I'm going to start off with a rant about blogging. The word 'blog' is a funny word to me. How did this word come about and why 'blog'?  While doing some research about this subject, I found out that in 1997, the term 'weblog' was created by Jorn Barger. It wasn't until 1999, that the term was shortened to 'blog'. Short and to the point history.

The internet has come a long way. I remember way back when you had to pay for AOL and have to use dial-up. I can still hear the dial tone and waiting for the little AOL man to come across the bottom of the screen and then the happy voice of "You've Got Mail", plus you were tying up your phone line in the process of playing on the internet (Sorry mom for having you listen to a busy signal every time you tried calling). Nowadays, AOL is free to start up as well as Yahoo and Gmail and you don't tie up your phone lines, because of DSL and High-Speed Internet that you can get from you local dish or cable company. 

Now, back to AOL. I used to surf the net for many different things, but most of the time I would be in AOL chat rooms and playing games with people from all over the world. Very entertaining  and I met a few friends along the way. Thinking about what I used the internet for back then to at this moment, I would have to say that we have come a long way, and in only just a few years. Then again the computer have come a long way as well. Before the internet, I used the computer to play games (only games) like Zelda, Wolfenstein 3D, Wing Commander, and Civilization. 

Now all the world is blogging, Oh, let's not forget the social media sites. Everyone with a computer is a member of some sort of social media site, Facebook being the most popular. Do you remember 'My Space'? I believe I still have mine, haven't been on it for many years. I think I should see if it's still available. Anyhow, that is my rant for the evening. Thank you for reading and until next time. Blessed Be.

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