Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Where do we draw the line

There  has been a lot of hatred, racism, going around the United States recently. You can't turn on your television or surf the internet without seeing all of this. I realize that hate will never leave us completely, but I do hope one day that we could all live at peace with one another.

Everyone is different, that is what makes us unique. I would really dislike it if we all looked, dressed, and ate the same thing. In the United States, you see a lot of diversity, from North to South and from East to West. The cultures are different, the foods are different, the speech is different. So why must we hate someone who is not like us? 

This new argument about the Confederate Flag has really gotten out of hand. People really need to learn their history. This flag which is colored red, white, and blue and has an "X" in the middle with thirteen stars on it, is not what it supposedly represents. Many people think it represents racism when in actuality, it was meant by the Southerners to show the Northeners that they wanted to be succeeded from the North. The "X" is overlayed onto the stars to show that they wanted no part in being a part of the thirteen colonies. Don't go blaming the flag, blame the people who misrepresent the true meaning. It's only hatred if you intend it to be hatred. 

Symbols have been misrepresented throughout history. Even some passages in the Bible have been misrepresented. They take what they want and turn it into something more malignant. If we go as far as getting rid of a flag, then what else should we get rid of because of what some interpret it as hatred or racist? 

Where do we draw the line? How do we get ourselves back to being a Nation of One and not a Country who battles each other over the littlest things? We should be more worried about taking care of each other and helping our own.  When we can look our neighbor in the eye and accept them for who they are then maybe we can become stronger. 

Okay, enough ranting for today. Thank you and Blessed Be

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